Sustainable Management Policy

This Environmental Sustainability Policy aims to integrate a philosophy of sustainable development into all the organization’s activities and to establish and promote sound environmental practices in our operations.

KASOTC commits itself to minimizing its impact on our environment through: -

1.      Providing a safe and healthful workplace; Promote occupational health, safety and environmental practices.

2.      Having an environmentally sustainable aware culture, where responsibility is assigned and        understood.

3.      Being an environmentally responsible neighbor in our community;

4.      Conserving natural resources by reusing and recycling; Minimize the production of hazardous waste

5.      Using, in our own operations, processes that do not adversely affect the environment;

6.      Ensuring the responsible use of energy & water throughout the organization; Conserve energy and other natural resources

7.      Encourage employees to use mass transit

8.      Reduce, reuse, and recycle to reduce waste

9.      Utilizing sustainability practices in marketing, shopping, media, education, and information technology systems.

10.   Apply sustainability practices in preventive and corrective maintenance.

11.   Participate in community initiatives to support the environment and preserve natural resources

12.   Conducting rigorous audits, evaluations, and self-assessments of the implementation of this policy; Continue to review and minimize the impacts of our activities

13.   Adopt green procurement practices

14.   Enhancing awareness among our employees, Clients, and users – educating and motivating them to act in an environmentally responsible manner.  Ensure all employees complete the environmental awareness training

The King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center appreciates your cooperation in supporting its sustainability policy.

Quality Policy

Vision: To continue to be the leading Center globally in the field of training special operations, counter-terrorism, and security forces.

Mission: Providing a professional training environment that supports modern technology to uphold readiness and innovation in providing training services and effective participation in the local, regional and international community.


1- Transparency.

2- Integrity.

3- Innovation.

4- Continuous improvement.

5- Productivity and quality.

6- Citizenship.

7- Social responsibility.

8- Employing and developing Jordanian technical and administrative cadres.

KASOTC Company, King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center, is the leading center in the field of training special operations, counter-terrorism, and security forces with the highest quality standards at the local, regional, and international levels.

The quality policy of KASOTC Company aims to ensure and guarantee the highest levels of satisfaction among its clients by providing training with the highest efficiency and quality by providing a professional training environment that supports modern technology to maintain readiness and innovation in providing training services that meet client requirements and achieve them on the ground within the center.

KASOTC is committed to applying ISO 9001 standards and fulfilling the applicable laws and legislative requirements.

KASOTC Company pays attention to the process of continuous development by training its staff and developing their skills to persist with the most important technical developments affecting the quality of services provided to customers in order to maintain the development of administrative and technical systems and develop the skills and capabilities of its employees with the aim of increasing quality and ensuring continuous development and improvement.

KASOTC Company considers all its employees partners in understanding and applying this policy effectively, and it will be reviewed and developed periodically to ensure its suitability and effectiveness.

OSHE Policy

The goal of the safety, health, and environment policy at KASOTC Company, King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center:

The Department of Occupational safety, Health and Environment is concerned with preventing occupational accidents, injuries, diseases and harm that may befall employees or property and protecting the environment within the limits of Operation of the KASOTC Company, King Abdullah II Center for Training of Special Operations, Combating Terrorism and Security Forces.

Our commitment:

1.         Providing a safe and healthy work environment at all times by developing prevention and protection programs for all its employees and the cadre of its subcontractors, as well as visitors and the local community from accidents, as one of the basic requirements of the KASOTC Company.

2.         Compliance with applicable legal requirements and any other requirements related to occupational safety, health and the environment.

3.         KASOTC management is committed to ensuring that occupational safety, health and environmental systems are maintained in KASOTC Company’s activities.

4.         Protecting the environment, including reducing pollution and preserving the environment with regard to the work of the KASOTC Company.

5.         KASOTC management encourages all employees to adhere to all matters of occupational safety, health and the environment and operates a reward system to motivate outstanding efforts.

6.         Providing the necessary means for preservation and public safety.

7.         KASOTC is committed not to hold accountable or punish any employee who stops any task or Activity if there is any threat to any life, health or occupational safety.

8.         KASOTC’s implementation of the internal audit on occupational safety, health and environment, KASOTC Company will benefit from internal and external audits and other parties that work with the company to ensure the full and comprehensive implementation of the occupational safety, health and environment system and considers them opportunities for improvement and development and keeping up with any updates that help improve environmental performance and policies. And occupational health and safety procedures.

9.         Disseminate this policy to all employees and all cadres working at KASOT

Implementing the occupational safety, health and environment management system:

 KASOTC Company is a pioneer in promoting and implementing the occupational safety, health and management system, as it strictly adheres to the legitimate and applicable laws and work procedures to protect and enhance the role of occupational health and safety at all work sites. All employees in all their positions and at all levels are committed to occupational safety and health standards, rules and legislation, and they must work Continuously and seriously to implement this policy by maintaining the highest standards of, occupational safety, health and the environment to protect individuals and the property of the Kasotc Company that could result from unsafe actions or working conditions.

KASOTC must achieve its goal through:

1.         Develop, distribute and monitor the implementation of an occupational safety, health and environmental management system that complies with approved occupational safety, health and environmental standards.

2.         Conduct the necessary training to maintain the occupational safety, health and environment management system and develop the skills and competencies of all employees.

3.         Appoint qualified Occupational safety, health and Environment Department personnel and provide adequate resources where necessary.

4.         Maintain transparent OHS Policy reports and investigate incidents.

5.         Acquiring international certificates, searching for partnerships, and exchanging experiences and lessons learned with our clients and partners.

No smoking policy

In order to ensure that King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center provides a safe and healthy environment for clients, visitors, and employees, and in line with this concern and the implementation of Public Health Law No. (11) of 2017,

 King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center prohibits smoking and the use of any tobacco products inside Buildings, including interior spaces.

The King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center appreciates your cooperation in keeping its buildings as a smoke-free space.